ICT is part of the taught curriculum in Years 8-10, with students having at least one period per fortnight.
In Year 8 students have an ICT 'blitz' day during which students are off normal timetable and are given time to ensure they have at the very least, the basic ICT skils required for beginning their secondary school chapter of their young lives. This blitz is also repeated towards the end of their st year in the school normally towards the end of June. This second day is used to top-up on any skill areas where students would appear to be deficient based on the requirements of those subjects who will be assessing their levels of progression in "Using ICT".
The aims of this 'blitz' day:
- To increase awareness of ICT provision in Magherafelt High School i.e. number and location of ICT rooms, types of ICT equipment etc;
- To overview the school network, Social Media and Virtual Learning Environment;
- To explain how the printing system i.e. 'Follow-me' printers, work around the school;
- Refresh the basic skills in the main Microsoft Office Applications i.e. Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint;
- An introduction to eSafety.
The curriculum taught in ICT at Key Stage 3 is determined by the assessment requirements of those subjects that are required to report on students levels of progression in Using ICT. ICT periods are used to support the 'acquisition' and 'development' of skills at Key Stage 3.
The curriculum for Key Stage 3 is set out in nine Areas of Learning comprised of subject strands. Each subject strand is defined as a minimum requirement and is structured to facilitate more collaborative learning. Although subject strands are organised within specified Areas of Learning this does not preclude connections being made with other Areas of Learning or subject strands.
Information and Communications Technology, across the curriculum, has the potential to transform and enrich pupils’ learning experiences and environments. It can empower pupils, develop self-esteem and promote positive attitudes to learning. Additionally, the creative use of ICT has the potential to improve pupils’ thinking skills, providing them with opportunities to become independent, self-motivated and flexible learners.
Cross-curricular ICT: Using ICT
Pupils are encouraged to develop the skills of Using ICT by engaging in meaningful research and purposeful activities set in relevant contexts. They should use ICT to handle and communicate information, solve problems, pose questions and take risks. They should process, present and exchange their ideas and translate their thinking into creative outcomes that show an awareness of audience and purpose. They should also use ICT to collaborate within and beyond the classroom, to share and exchange their work and to exhibit and showcase their learning.
Across the curriculum, at a level appropriate to their ability, pupils are encouraged to develop skills to:
Pupils are encouraged to:
- access and manage data and information;
- research, select, process and interpret information;
- investigate, make predictions and solve problems through interaction with electronic tools;
- understand how to keep safe and display acceptable online behaviour.
Pupils are encouraged to:
- create, develop, present and publish ideas and information using a range of digital media;
- manipulate information and multimedia products using a range of assets.
Pupils are encouraged to:
- communicate using a range of contemporary methods and tools;
- share, collaborate, exchange and develop ideas digitally.
Pupils are encouraged to:
- talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome;
- consider the sources and resources used;
Pupils are encouraged to:
- manage and present their stored work;
- showcase their learning across the curriculum.