RS Department
Welcome to the Magherafelt High School Religious Studies homepage.
The Religious Studies Department sees its primary role as being instrumental in the promotion of each pupil's spiritual and moral development. To that end the department seeks to broaden the pupil's ability to reason through a study of the Christian faith using the Attainment Targets:
(a) The Revelation of God
(b) The Christian Faith
(c) Morality
Consequently the department has the following aims:
• To increase pupil awareness and understanding of the religious and spiritual dimensions of life.
• To assist pupils in their search to find a premise or faith by which to live by reflecting on the experiences of others.
• To stimulate pupils to examine their own viewpoints and to reflect on religious responses to moral issues.
• To encourage them to respect the beliefs, values and attitudes of others.
• To assist in the personal and social development of the pupils, encouraging the ability to form and maintain relationships with peers and others.
Our Department has three committed teachers:
• Mrs G Wishart (HOD) BEd Hons
• Mrs E Beckett BEd Hons
• Mrs J Watterson BA Hons, PGCE
Who ensure pupils have an enduring enjoyment of the subject. This is reflected by the consistently high examination results and the numbers choosing A Level Religious Studies.
Teaching Strategies:
The Department uses a large variety of interactive teaching and learning strategies. We have an excellent range of text books suited to the different abilities of our pupils and a large number of dvd’s to reinforce lessons. Handouts and powerpoints of differing tasks, at different levels of ability, have been produced along with the use of relevant web sites to stimulate pupil learning. Drama and craft work are also used to reinforce lesson topics. Group work in the form of debates and discussions enhance pupils' learning by engaging them actively in talking, listening and questioning. ICT finds its place in the production of newspaper articles, class projects, research assignments, pupil powerpoints and use of the interactive white board, I Pad and relevant apps. We are fortunate to be within walking distance of local Churches and visits to these and other relevant destinations take place once a year. Links with these Churches also provide us with visits from ministers and various guest speakers.