Supervised Study Area

Dear Parents/Guardians,

In line with guidance from the Minister of Education, Peter Weir MLA, there will be a supervised study area available from Monday 23rd March from 9.00am - 3.00pm for those pupils in Years 8 - 10 who are the children of key workers. Key workers are defined as those who are essential to maintaining public services during the COVID-19 response, who without this supervised school service, would have to stay at home to supervise their children.

Please be aware that school will not operate as a 'normal' school day but more so as a supervision facility as we may have a significant reduction in staffing and this may worsen over time. Staff will not be teaching specific classes as they must also be available to provide online/remote learning to pupils staying at home. More details will follow on the structure of the day and other necessary arrangements.

In order for us to plan for this we would ask any parent who is a key worker and wishes to avail of this facility to contact the school office before 3.00 pm today and indicate which days next week that they would like their child(ren) to attend.

We would like to thank all the parents for their continued support in these challenging times and in particular extend our gratitude and thanks to those members of the community who are working to protect us all.

Please share this information if you can.

Kind Regards,

Stephen Fleming, Acting Principal

*** Please note, unfortunately there will be no transport available for pupils ***

Exceptional Closure Mental Health


19th March 2020

Dear Parent /Guardian

Based on the information shared yesterday that schools are now officially closed to pupils from this week.  I feel it is important to inform you of the arrangements for pastoral care during this time.  Although your child will not be in the school building and we may not get the opportunity to connect face to face, we would like to continue to provide pastoral support or guidance if necessary, to pupils and parents.  If you have a concern or require any support with an issue please contact the account and a member of the pastoral team will endeavor to be in touch.

Please remember that there is additional support available within your local community and I have enclosed the Children and Young people support list from EA.  I would also encourage you to download the Here2Help app which includes details of organisations that can provide additional support for a variety of issues.  There are many categories within this app and I have found it useful as a source of signposting others to support.

If, at any point, you have serious concerns about your child’s mental wellbeing, please contact your GP for additional support and advice.  The current situation is very worrying for all of us and this uncertainty and fear may become too much for our loved ones to deal with.  Please be vigilant and if you have any concerns seek advice immediately.

On a day to day basis, feeling isolated and the worries of this COVID-19 outbreak can have a significant impact on all our mental health, so please encourage your child to maintain relationships by staying in touch with friends and loved ones.  It is also important if we are feeling low ourselves, that we remain kind to others e.g. social media.  If someone is already feeling isolated and vulnerable, unnecessary hurtful comments may cause others additional upset.  In these times, we will need a little bit more affection and human kindness, so I would really appreciate if you would reiterate this message to your child(ren).

Please take care of yourselves and your loved ones.

Thank you for your continued support

E Beckett

Acting Vice-Principal

Here to help  lifelineMinding your headmhf logo 0

Magherafelt High School, 30 Moneymore Road, Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry, BT45 6AF                                Acting Principal: Mr S Fleming MA (Hons) PGCE

Tel: 028 7963 2385   Fax: 028 7963 4854  

Email:    Website:


Important Information

18 March 2020

MHS will be open tomorrow for all pupils but we will be closed on Friday for a Staff Development Day. As advised by the Government, school will then be closed to pupils from Monday 23rd March 2020 until further notice. We appreciate your support and patience in this matter and we would kindly ask you to make an informed choice about whether or not to send your child to school tomorrow based on their individual circumstances and in accordance with PHA guidance. Details on the continued teaching and learning of pupils from home is now available on the school website by accessing the Exceptional Closure tab. We trust that you will continue to support us with your child’s education and we will keep you up to date on any changes to this schedule via the school website and social media. Further details, particularly around public examinations such as GCSE and A Level, will follow as and when we receive this information.


Please click here to view the passenger notice received from Translink with regard to the A6 roadworks commencing on Monday 20 January 2020.  All Service 110 Bus Stops between Castledawson Parker Avenue and the Thatch Bar (Montgomery's) will be suspended for 8 weeks.


Dittys 251019 Year 11 OS

The Year 11 Occupational Studies Food Preparation class visited Ditty’s Bakery. The students viewed the patisserie products which developed their creativity skills for presenting baked items. The pupils also increased their understanding of food hygiene and the skills required to work as a baker. Thank you to Ditty’s Bakery!