Update 15/05/20

Dear Parent/Guardian,

I hope that you and your family are keeping well.

It is hard to believe that we are soon to begin week 9 of home-schooling.  I want to personally thank you all for your assistance with this thus far- l realise that this is not ideal and that our young people are not just missing out on the classroom teaching but also on the social interaction with their peers.

Following the publication of the Northern Ireland’s Executive for easing the lockdown, it now appears certain that your child will not return to school later this term.  It is also likely that the new academic year starting in September will look very different as well, with the likelihood being some form of phased return of pupils alongside the continuation of online learning.  Over the coming days we, as a school, will begin to look at plans for this and how things might develop later in the year. 

At this time of the year your son/daughter would have been preparing for summer exams, which, for obvious reasons will not now take place, however, it is our intention that reports will still be sent out to all parents at the end of June.  In the meantime, could l encourage you to keep your child working as best you can.  Staff are still busy preparing, uploading and marking work.  Some students in Year 11 will now begin to receive some year 12 work as they make a start on next year’s courses, so it's extremely important that emails and MS Teams are continually checked.  Similarly, some year 10 pupils (over the next few weeks) will be given work to do based on the subjects they have chosen for GCSE.  This will not be all subjects and again it is important that Year 10 pupils check their emails and any new MS Teams on a regular basis.  Unfortunately, a very limited number of subjects in the year 10 options will not run next year so some pupils will be directed towards their 2nd choices. Likewise, we would encourage pupils in Years 8 and 9 to check MS Teams on a daily basis for work as teachers are setting up teams for Junior classes and most, if not all, work will be set in this way for the foreseeable future.   I will forward any more information on to you if, and when, it becomes available.  If there are any issues, then please continue to contact us through the school email account. 

Wishing you all well and stay safe.

S Fleming

Keeping Our Young People Safe Online

Please see the attached letter regarding the release of the Children & Young People’s version of the Safer Schools App.  This is an excellent app for Parents and Pupils to use especially at this time when there has been a surge in online activity with remote learning.

Safer Schools NI Letter

*** Exam Information ***

CCEA has announced details regarding the summer series of examinations. We are trying to clarify these further, but the following is a short summary:

Yr 11. Will not sit any modules this summer and will not receive any predicted grades this year. Next year they can choose to sit these modules alongside their Year 12 exams.

Yr 12. Will not sit any examinations but will receive predicted grades which will be based on previous module grades/results at Year 11, mock examination performance, teacher’s judgment, and Controlled Assessment marks. Pupils will then be rank ordered.

Yr 13. Will not sit any examinations but will receive an As grade based on a range of evidence. This will not count towards their final A2 mark. In yr 14 pupils can sit the missed modules in Yr 13 alongside their Yr 14 modules. Some courses such as ICT, SPORT and BUSINESS are 2 year courses, so it is vital that pupil's work should continue as normal to meet required deadlines.

Yr 14. Will not sit any examinations but will receive a grade based on a combination of previous results, predicted grades and performance.

When we get any more clarity we will let students know.



Would parents please ensure that All pupils (including Yr8-10) are logging on to their school email accounts to check emails, school work and register in MS teams.  As this current situation continues we appreciate that it is not an ideal method of schooling but it is important that teachers have a means of communicating to pupils, supporting them with school work and ensuring that learning is taking place.  We appreciate your support at this time. 

School counselling is still freely available for all pupils and we would like to remind you that your child can access this by emailing the school info account: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or the school Textline at 01133 200 377 (texts are charged at a standard rate) to request this service.  If we can be of any further support or direction please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Kind Regards

Mrs Beckett

Useful Resources and Support

Dear Parent/Guardian

At this time of uncertainty, many organisations are pulling together to share resources and offer support where possible. Please find listed below resources that you may find useful. Please feel free to share these resources with as many of your friends and family outside of our school community. Please continue to check our Facebook page and resources on the School Website and don’t hesitate to contact us on the: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. should you have any immediate concerns about your child’s work or wellbeing.

 I trust that you are keeping well.

 Take Care

 Mrs E Beckett


Some parents have expressed an interest in purchasing the school PE kit for next year. Mrs Wade has organised with the kit company to open an online shop where parents can order, purchase and have the kit delivered to their house.
This is only one option, parents who do not want to order at the minute can purchase a kit at a later date when things become more clear or when their child starts school.
Below is the link to the online shop and the password, you must use capital letters.
The store is now open and will remain open until late April -
Password - MH2020
The compulsory items are:
Boys: Yellow PE top, boys black shorts and MHS socks
Girls: Black PE top, girls black shorts and MHS socks