Useful Resources and Support

Dear Parent/Guardian

At this time of uncertainty, many organisations are pulling together to share resources and offer support where possible. Please find listed below resources that you may find useful. Please feel free to share these resources with as many of your friends and family outside of our school community. Please continue to check our Facebook page and resources on the School Website and don’t hesitate to contact us on the: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. should you have any immediate concerns about your child’s work or wellbeing.

 I trust that you are keeping well.

 Take Care

 Mrs E Beckett


Some parents have expressed an interest in purchasing the school PE kit for next year. Mrs Wade has organised with the kit company to open an online shop where parents can order, purchase and have the kit delivered to their house.
This is only one option, parents who do not want to order at the minute can purchase a kit at a later date when things become more clear or when their child starts school.
Below is the link to the online shop and the password, you must use capital letters.
The store is now open and will remain open until late April -
Password - MH2020
The compulsory items are:
Boys: Yellow PE top, boys black shorts and MHS socks
Girls: Black PE top, girls black shorts and MHS socks

School Office

Please note that the School Office is closed until further notice. Please direct any queries through the school email account: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or the school Textline at 01133 200 377 (texts are charged at a standard rate)

Updates will still be posted through social media and the school website. Thank you for your continued support. Stay safe.

Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service

Due to the current situation with covid-19 our donation session in Magherafelt High School will only be open 25.03.2020 1.30pm-4pm & 5.15pm-8pm.

We do still need blood donations, so if you are fit and well, please check our website for upcoming blood donation sessions.

Supervised Study Area

Dear Parents/Guardians,

In line with guidance from the Minister of Education, Peter Weir MLA, there will be a supervised study area available from Monday 23rd March from 9.00am - 3.00pm for those pupils in Years 8 - 10 who are the children of key workers. Key workers are defined as those who are essential to maintaining public services during the COVID-19 response, who without this supervised school service, would have to stay at home to supervise their children.

Please be aware that school will not operate as a 'normal' school day but more so as a supervision facility as we may have a significant reduction in staffing and this may worsen over time. Staff will not be teaching specific classes as they must also be available to provide online/remote learning to pupils staying at home. More details will follow on the structure of the day and other necessary arrangements.

In order for us to plan for this we would ask any parent who is a key worker and wishes to avail of this facility to contact the school office before 3.00 pm today and indicate which days next week that they would like their child(ren) to attend.

We would like to thank all the parents for their continued support in these challenging times and in particular extend our gratitude and thanks to those members of the community who are working to protect us all.

Please share this information if you can.

Kind Regards,

Stephen Fleming, Acting Principal

*** Please note, unfortunately there will be no transport available for pupils ***