KS4 & 5 Revision Menu


Use your notes/textbook to create a quiz to self-test yourself. Create retrieval grids. (See template below)

Flash Cards

Create a set of flashcards with Q&A’s ready to test yourself.  Use different colours for different subjects.

Check out Flash cards with the Leitner system.

Past Papers

Complete a past exam paper and use the mark scheme to self-assess

Access past papers through the appropriate exam board e.g.

GCSE Past Papers & Mark Schemes | CCEA

Revision Clock

Break down a topic into 12 sections and complete a revision clock. Access Revision Clock | Teaching Resources

Brain Dump

Complete a brain dump with as much as you can recall then check your notes to see what you forgot. Write these new notes in a different coloured pen.

Mind Maps

Create a mind map from memory, review and add to your mind map

There are numerous apps/websites for creating mind maps but they can also be done through word/PPT.


Create an infographic with sketches and notes from memory or type out on a word document and add in icons.


Write an overview of the key topics from memory then refer back to your notes. Write in what you missed in different coloured ink.

Retrieve, record and review

Record yourself retrieving as much information as you can verbally then listen back and review.