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Transport Training Services - Open Day

Transport Training Services will have their Open Day on Thursday 6 February 2020 from 2pm - 8pm at their premises at 15 Dundrod Road Crumlin, BT29 4SS.  To find out more about Apprenticeship Opportunities in Motor and Transport Industries in Northern Ireland please contact Mr Robert Deignan email, telephone 028 9082 5653 or 07736 958 355.  For futher information please click here.



Queen's University are hosting a Parents'/Guardians' Evening for Year 10-12 students on Thursday 20 February 2020 from 7pm to 9.30pm in the Whitla Hall for degrees in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.  This is similar to the event that was held in November 2019 which was aimed at students in Year 13, but this event will be aimed at younger pupils in Years 10, 11 and 12. 

At this event parents'/guardians' will have the opportunity to get a flavour of the degrees in the faculty.  They will also find out more about the subjects and grades required for entry to the degrees, and the various career paths that the degrees may lead in to.  They will also have the opportunity to speak informally to lecturers and current undergraduate students.

To access further details please click here.


Liverpool Hope University Logo

Get into Teaching...

Liverpool Hope University on Saturday 8 February 2020 are holding a Get into Teaching event in the Europa Hotel, Belfast from 9am-9.45am.  A workshop for BA (Hons) Early Years (3-7 years) with Qualified Teaching Status (QST) - are you interested in teaching young children at primary school?  Come along to learn more about what the course has to offer and have fun in the practical workshop.

From 10am - 12noon if your interested in a career in early years, primary or secondary teaching, come along and lear more about the different routes into teaching offered by Liverpool Hope University.

To access information on Primary Education (5-11 years) with QTS BA (Hons) click here

To access information on Early Years Education (3-7 years) with QTS BA (Hons)* click here



Ulster University  - Higher Level Degree Apprenticeships

If you are interested in finding out about a Degree Apprenticeship (HLA) come along to their Apprenticeship Showcase Event at the Jordanstown Campus on Thursday, 6 February 2020 at 6pm.

click on here to access further details of this event.