*** Exam Information ***

CCEA has announced details regarding the summer series of examinations. We are trying to clarify these further, but the following is a short summary:

Yr 11. Will not sit any modules this summer and will not receive any predicted grades this year. Next year they can choose to sit these modules alongside their Year 12 exams.

Yr 12. Will not sit any examinations but will receive predicted grades which will be based on previous module grades/results at Year 11, mock examination performance, teacher’s judgment, and Controlled Assessment marks. Pupils will then be rank ordered.

Yr 13. Will not sit any examinations but will receive an As grade based on a range of evidence. This will not count towards their final A2 mark. In yr 14 pupils can sit the missed modules in Yr 13 alongside their Yr 14 modules. Some courses such as ICT, SPORT and BUSINESS are 2 year courses, so it is vital that pupil's work should continue as normal to meet required deadlines.

Yr 14. Will not sit any examinations but will receive a grade based on a combination of previous results, predicted grades and performance.

When we get any more clarity we will let students know.
