Careers Department
Welcome to the Magherafelt High School Careers Department homepage.
Teaching Staff
BEd | (Head of Department) |
Careers Department
Welcome to the Magherafelt High School Careers Department homepage.
Teaching Staff
BEd | (Head of Department) |
Motor Vehicle Road User Studies
Welcome to the Magherafelt High School Motor Vehicle Road User Studies homepage.
In today’s environment we depend more and more on road traffic. One of the most important life skills needed is the ability to cope with the road and driving conditions as they exist in Northern Ireland. This subject, leading to a GCSE in Motor Vehicle and Road User Studies, will be taught in six study areas.
How will I be assessed?
There is one external assessment worth 40% and two controlled assessment tasks, each worth 30%.
Type of Assessment
Motor Vehicle and Road User Theory
Foundation Tier- 1 hour 30 minutes examination paper.
Higher tier- 2 hours examination paper.
The external assessment is worth 40% of the overall GCSE qualification.
Investigative Study
The study will involve about 23 hours work and a maximum of 2000 words. It will include an investigation and collection of data, the preparation of analysis and interpretation of results and a conclusion.
The controlled assessment is worth 30% of the overall GCSE qualification.
What will I study?
Vehicle Control and Road User Behaviour
This unit explores the driver and pedestrian’s safe use of the road and demonstrates how this is a combination of many factors.
Legal Requirements
This unit covers the important legal requirements of driving and owning a vehicle.
Road Transport and its Effects on Society
This unit explores the background to modern road systems and traffic law.
Motoring Mathematics
This unit addresses the financial implications of owning and driving a motor vehicle.
Accident Procedures
This unit deals with the procedures recommended in the event of a road traffic collision.
Motor Vehicle technology
This unit explores a motorist’s responsibility for maintenance and care of a vehicle. You will gain basic knowledge of vehicle systems and safety precautions. You will be able to recognise component parts of vehicle systems and understand and know the checks and safety precautions you need for safe road use.
Practical Moped Riding
This will allow you to demonstrate your skills of vehicle control and road craft. This controlled assessment is worth 30% of the overall GCSE qualification.
Drama Department
Key Stage 3
Drama provides a practical perspective from which pupils may learn about:
Lessons support the development of creativity and communication skills as well as fostering confidence and the ability to work with others.
Drama is an optional subject for pupils in Years 11 and 12.
The course is a balance of practical and written work. Assessment includes two performances, written coursework and a written exam.
Pupils will have an opportunity, as part of a group, to devise their own performance. Pupils will also, as part of a group, investigate, create and develop a scripted performance (based on an existing script).
The skills acquired at GCSE Drama lend themselves to any career choice, making the subject a viable option for any pupil at Magherafelt High School.
A Level Performing Arts - Acting Discipline (CCEA)
Pupils study Performing Arts for a variety of reasons:
In response:
Performing Arts is a growing industry in Northern Ireland with growing support for those seeking employment in the TV, film and theatre industries. The subject makes direct links to these support agencies and focusses on employment opportunities.
The course is heavily practical, with performances at the end of Year 13 and Year 14 giving pupils with practical excellence opportunity for success.
Performing Arts develops cross-curricular skills. The course dabbles in theatre history, theatre technology, event planning and play analysis. The creative, communication and organisational skills developed in Performing Arts are relevant to all subjects delivered in Magherafelt High School.
Areas of study:
There are two units for AS GCE and two further units of assessment for A2 GCE. Assessment combines performance work alongside written portfolios and controlled assessment tasks. The Units are as follows:
AS - Unit 1: Developing Skills and Repertoire
You will research two contrasting extracts of repertoire; apply your chosen discipline in a performance context; keep a record of your development in your chosen discipline and evaluate your performance.
AS - Unit 2: Planning and Realising a Performing Arts Event
As a member of a group, you will respond to a piece of pre-released stimulus. You will interpret the stimulus and, in a group of 2-9 students, create a performing arts event.
A2 - Unit 1: Planning for Employment
You will learn about the employment opportunites available in the Performing Arts industry and produce a written report as evidence of your research. You will also develop materials such as a CV and a promotional portfolio to help you find work in your chosen discipline. You will prepare for and participate in an audition and interview.
A2 - Unit 2: Performing to a Commission Brief
You and your fellow students will form a production company and realise a performing arts event in response to a commission brief. As well as participating in the actual performance, each member of the group will have a role to play in making the event happen. The administrative roles you can choose from are: front of house; health and safety officer; budget and finance; education officer; press officer; or publicity officer.
Pupils do not need to have studies GCSE Drama to opt for A Level Performing Arts.
Pupils can develop their love for Drama through after school Drama club, school performances and showcases.
Construction Department
Through studying GCSE construction, students will:
In this course students will gain a comprehensive introduction to the Construction industry. You will learn about the wide range of job opportunities within the industry and participate in practical aspects of construction, through the Craft Project and the Computer Aided Design unit.
Subject Content
Unit 1 -
Construction Industry for the 21st Century.
You will study topics in the following areas:
* introduction to the built environment.
* Employment in the construction industry.
* Health an Safety.
* Construction technology and sustainable development.
External Assessment - You will sit one written exam lasting 1 hour 30 minutes, worth 40% of total mark.
Unit 2 -
Construction Craft Project.
You will carry out a craft project based on wood and prepare a craft project folder.
Controlled Assessment
You will carry out a craft project under controlled conditions and produce a craft folder. These will be assessed by your teacher and then externally moderated. The Craft Project is worth 30% of total mark.
Unit 3 -
Computer Aided Design in Construction.
You will produce a portfolio of drawings using AutoCad.
Controlled Assessment
All drawings will be produced under controlled conditions.
These will be assessed by your teacher and externally moderated by CCEA. CAD portfolio is worth 30% of your total mark.
Assessment Arrangements
There is one external assessment worth 40% and two controlled assessment tasks each worth 30%.
60% Coursework
40% Theory
Coursework Sections
1. Computer Aided Design
2. Craft Project
3. Craft Folder
History Department
The History Team strives to encourage students to enjoy their study of History, through a wide ranging curriculum that balances knowledge of historical episodes with an enquiry into the importance and relevance of those episodes today.
Students should investigate how the past shapes the present, and examine how past decisions, have had an immense impact on the Modern World.
History is linked specifically to Citizenship Education in Years 8, 9 and 10.
Through studying History:
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
The CCEA Specification is followed at GCSE
There are four elements to the course:
A/S and A2
The CCEA Specification is followed at A-Level
There are four elements to the course:
Physical Education Department
Welcome to the Physcial Education Department at Magherafelt High School.
Students at Magherafelt High School enjoy access to a wide range of sports both both during and after school.
Physical Education is led by Mrs J Wade and pupils participate in sports such as:
The Physical Education Department seeks to developing practical skills not necessarily taught in the confines of the classroom but on the pitch, court and hall. These valuable skills include teamworking, leadership and commitment to a common goal. These are essential skills for the world of work and seek to develop the 'whole child'.
GCSE Physical Education
This course is thoroughly recommended for those who love sport and are determined to work hard in both practical and theory sessions.
GCSE Physical education gives students opportunities to:
The course into three components:
Component 1 (exam assessed, worth 40%)
Developing knowledge, understanding and skills for balanced, healthy lifestyles and participation in physical activities
Component 2 (assessed in school, worth 20%)
Developing and maintaining a balanced, healthy lifestyle through planning, participating in and monitoring a health-related exercise programme
Component 3 (assessed in school, worth 40%)
Individual performance in three physical activities. Activities assessed have included: lifesaving, soccer, rugby, basketball, netball, athletics, badminton and gymnastics.
GCSE PE provides a good base for further study in Years 13 and 14 at Magherafelt High School with the offered OCR National Certificate in Sport (equivalent to one full A level).
OCR National Certificate in Sport (a Year 12’s perspective)
If you love sport and would like to make a career of it – maybe as a sporting professional, teaching, coaching or working in the sports industry – then this 2 year course (equivalent to one A Level) will set you on the right track (GCSE PE will be an advantage but not a necessity to study this course)
How will this qualification benefit me?
You will:
How can I progress from these qualifications?
What will I study?
Two other Units (to be confirmed during Year 13 and based on individuals’ strengths)
Three units will be studied in Years 13 and another three will be studied in Year 14.
There are no exams
You will be set a series of tasks to research and complete for each unit for example leaflets, essays, PowerPoint presentations, posters, brochures and lesson plans.
Your tutor will assess your work for all units and this will be checked by OCR.
To be awarded the Certificate you must pass all six units.
One grade: Fail / Pass / Merit / Distinction for each objective in a specific Unit based upon the assessment criteria in syllabus.
One overall grade for each of the six Units (this overall grade will be based on the grades you received for objectives making up that Unit i.e. a majority of Merits will equal an overall Merit grade).
Unit grade and OCR points awarded
Fail = 0 points
Pass = 1 point
Merit = 2 points
Distinction = 3 points
grade points tariff grade
Distinction 14 – 18 120 A
Merit 10 – 13 80 C
Pass 6 – 9 40 E
Minimum requirement for an equivalent A Level grade C = 4 Merits / 2 Passes
Minimum requirement for an equivalent A Level grade A = 4 Merits / 2 Distinctions
Extra-Curricular Sports
To help foster these skills, the Physical Education Department ably-assisted by several members of staff from other Departments offer a programme of after-school sports and teams to help foster these skills.
Geography Department
Aims of the Geography Department
The aim of this Department is to provide a broad and balanced geographical education and to stimulate interest within and beyond the classroom. Pupils should acquire skills in geographical enquiry, develop an ability to understand geographical issues and be able to communicate their understanding in various forms. It is hoped that the study of Geography in the school will promote:-
Courses Offered
At Key Stage 3 pupils get opportunities to learn mapping skills in Year 8 and these are developed throughout the topics studied each year. Components of both the Physical and Human environment are studied including Settlement, Landforms, Work, Weather and Climate, Hazards, Rocks, Global Issues, Development, Farming, Coasts, Globalisation, Population and Ecosystems.
At GCSE pupils follow the CCEA syllabus. Unit 1: Understanding our natural world (the dynamic landscape, our changing weather and climate and The Restless Earth). Unit 2: Living in Our World (People and where they live, Contrasts in World Development, Managing Our Resources).
At A Level pupils follow the CCEA syllabus and the aim of this course is to develop further their knowledge of both Physical and Human Environments and learn to inter-relate these complex issues. Students are encouraged to investigate how decisions are made about the use and management of resources and environments, and to understand the significance and effect of peoples’ values and attitudes in geographical issues.
Additional Information
Opportunities exist for field investigations at all Key Stages. At GCSE pupils complete a three day residential at Magilligan Field Centre in order to collect the primary data for their Controlled Assessment and complete the report. This is based on a study of the Curlyburn River. The pupils who study Geography at A Level spend one day at Magilligan Field Centre carrying out fieldwork for AS3 and A2 1.
As the pace of technological change alters the quality and shape of our environment, at all levels so it becomes ever important for pupils to understand these changes and predict possible outcomes. Geography is one subject at the forefront of this quest.